About Us
36 years experience
In the fall of 1978 I cleaned my first fireplace, What a mess. Then in 79' I had a chimney fire in my wood stove flue,
which led me to trying to learn all I could about wood burning and chimney maintenance.
My research led me to taking the training and the purchasing of PROFESSIONAL chimney cleaning equipment (not a cheap shop vac).
I began my business as "Ye Olde Chimney Sweep" in 1980.

Jim Voigtschild |
I was one of the first 500 sweeps in the United States
and the first chimney sweep in Monroe County, Indiana. Sweeping is my only business, we don't have any other side lines. I am committed to
continually updating my education in the wood heating industry, to make sure your system is safe and up to code and in good condition.
Some Awards and Achievements
Taught classes to other sweeps at conventions and seminars.
Won first place award for a Wood Heat Safety Seminar I put together in Bloomington, In from The August West Association.
Received 15 straight Golden Top Hat awards from Copperfield Chimney Supply for work in the industry.
Several front covers and features in Snews (a trade magazine), also an article in Outdoor Indiana.
I have been featured on the front page of Herald Times newspaper in Bloomington, In. several times along with numerous articles on sweeping and fire safety.
Television stations
Interviewed by channel four (WTTV) in Bloomington, In.
Interviewed by channel two (WTWO) in Terre Haute, In
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