To Operate Your Woodstove
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The first thing you need in
order to operate your woodstove efficiently is a thermometer. They
can be purchased from your chimney sweep or the local hardware store. The
cost is about $20.00. The thermometer should be placed about 18"-24" from
the exit of the stove. All firewood has moisture.
Wood Page
Please bear in mind that these
directions are intended to be used on a clean and defect free chimney,
which has been inspected by your sweep.
The temeratures given are for a surface type thermometer. If you have a
flue gas thermometer double the stated temperature (300 = 600).
Assuming you already
have a fire going and are ready to reload.
1. Open your damper all
the way and wait about a minute or so, to allow smoke to clear.
2. Open the stove door
and see what you have. I like to remove a few scoops of ashes
from the front and rake the coals forward to meet the fresh air as it enters
the stove. You may have to add some kindling to get a flame going.
Kindling is no bigger than 2.5 inches in diameter. (the bigger the
kindling or wood the more moisture).
3. Close the door and wait for
the temp to reach 300 degrees.When it reaches 300 open door
and add your main load of wood.Remember, the more
wood you put in the stove, the more heat, so add accordingly. When the temperature
reaches 500 degrees, close the damper tight, then back it open one
fourth to one half turns.Each stove and flue are a bit different
in the damper setting, so adjust for it. About twenty minutes
after closing dampers, the temperature should stabilize between 250
degrees and 300 degrees.
4. You are done until the
next loading. Load it exactly the same way as described, even if
you are only putting in one more log.
Always be consistant!!

Do exactly as above,
the only difference is that we have to use a timing method rather than
being able to read the temperatures on the thermometer.
1. Pre warm the stove with
coals and kindling for 15 minutes.
2. Put in main load of wood
and let it burn for at least 20 minutes,
close the damper.
If your system is operating
efficiently, all you should see is a brownish powder on the inside walls
of the stove. If you see a black gritty or shiney creosote forming, then increase
the kindling prewarm cycle to 20 minutes and the main load cycle to 25 minutes.
The greener or wetter your wood is, the longer it takes to get rid of the moisture
and get your stove hot. Never adjust the timing more than 5 minutes at a time
and give it a week to see the results. Again, ALWAYS BE CONSISTANT