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   Bad Chimney

bad chimney

Protect Your Investment!

There are approximately 40 million masonry chimneys in North America and the most common problem with these structures is water penetration. Water causes over 1 billion dollars in damage annually in the form of staining, loss of insulation value, freeze-thaw damage, deterioration, and ultimately structural failure.



Protect Your Investment!

Efflorescence is the salts and minerals leaching out of the brick due to moisture saturation. Chimney Saver water repellent will prevent or stop additional efflorescence.

   Spalling Brick

Spalling Brick

Water Damage Can Be Prevented
All new and existing masonry chimneys are susceptible to water damage and even if repaired, chimneys will continue to deteriorate if they are not protected. ChimneySaver, which comes with a 10 Year Warranty, is the first water repellent specifically developed to protect chimneys from the severe weather conditions to which they are exposed.

ChimneySaver is a water repellent - not a water sealer. The difference could save you hundreds, or even thousands of dollars in repairs because sealers can actually damage masonry.

Questions and Answers

About Reducing Water Permeance
©2003, SaverSystems
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© 2010, Ye Olde Chimney Sweep