Your wood stove works much like your
kitchen stove. If you were to make some instant coffee, you
put the pan of water on the burner and let it get hot (to the boiling point),
pour the water into the cup and return the pan back to the burner.
But, now you reduce the heat to low to maintain the water temperature
to keep it hot for the next cup. The wood stove works the same way.
Get it hot at the beginning of the burning cycle, then close it down for
the long, slow burn. This will give you the most heat from your stove.
The damper on your stove let's the combustion air into the system.
The more open it is, the quicker the the wood will burn, the more
closed, the longer it will burn.
The amount of wood you put in the stove determines the amount of heat
you will get, more wood, more heat. So be sure to load your
stove accordingly. In the Spring and Fall it is better to burn a
short, hot fire to warm the area and not try to maintain the a long burn
How Many BTU's in Wood
All wood, regardless of species (oak, hickory,
sassafras etc.) has the potential to produce 8,600 btu's, minus it's moisture
content. It takes 1,110 btu's to steam out each pound of water.
A pound of sassafras could be twice the size of a pound of oak Kiln
dried wood here in South Central Indiana has around a 19% moisture content,
so our good, dry, seasoned firewood has no less than a 30% moisture content.
Green or wet firewood will have as much as a 50-70% moisture content.
So what does that mean as far as BTU's of heat we get? Here
is the answer using for using a 10 pound log.
Dry Seasoned Wood
Wet or Green Wood
at 30% Moisture
at 50% Moisture
7 x 8,600 = 60,200
5 x 8,600 = 43,000
- 3 x 1,100 = 3,300
- 5 x 1,100 = 5,500
____________________ _____________________
56,900 BTU
37,500 BTU
As you can see, the quality or dryness of
your wood makes a huge difference in the heat output, the amount of wood
required to heat your home, and also your soot and creosote production
in your chimney. By planning ahead, getting your firewood early
(by July) each year, you will cut your wood consumption by at least
one fourth in most cases. |